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Jiangmen Oumeiqi Lighting Appliance Co.Ltd

聯(lián)系人:施     手機:13435717228     地址:Caihong Road, Jianghai District, Jiangmen City
主營(yíng): 風(fēng)扇燈 吸頂燈

古鎮喜萊登燈飾是一家集研發(fā),生產(chǎn),銷(xiāo)售,和售后于一體的公司。公司專(zhuān)門(mén)生產(chǎn)和出口北歐簡(jiǎn)約風(fēng)扇燈和室內燈。從燈到風(fēng)扇燈,我們致力于提供客戶(hù)完整的家裝配套方案。主要產(chǎn)品有風(fēng)扇燈,北歐輕奢燈,現代極簡(jiǎn)燈,平板燈!  公司生產(chǎn)車(chē)間占地面積20000平米。不僅有綠意盎然而充滿(mǎn)生機的廠(chǎng)區,現代化的廠(chǎng)房和完善的生產(chǎn)設施,也擁有一支充滿(mǎn)活力,專(zhuān)門(mén)而又經(jīng)驗豐富的技術(shù)和設計團隊,一批訓練有素的員工,以及完善的質(zhì)量管理體系,貼心而周到的服務(wù)。  自公司成立以來(lái),我們秉承專(zhuān)門(mén),專(zhuān)注,專(zhuān)心,共贏(yíng)的生產(chǎn)服務(wù)宗旨。展望回來(lái),我們將以獨特人性化原創(chuàng )設計,好產(chǎn)品,貼心的服務(wù),與國內外客戶(hù)建立富有成效的業(yè)務(wù)合作關(guān)系。

【 2 年 VIP認證會(huì )員 】
Adhering to the business philosophy for "high quality and short delivery time"
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Our main products include Invisible fan lamp, Deluxe Decorative fan, bedroom fan lamp, and Nordic style fan lamp.
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The visible quality is not only the control of the entire process, but is reflected in our ability to withstand the severe tests of various complex environments.
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We have been strictly following the requirements of the ISO international quality management system to build a standardized motor production workshop and an injection molding workshop
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Now we have grown into a large-sized comprehensive manufacturing base for fan light products that integrates research, production and sales.
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